Welcome to the (new) internet shop by schuetzenhofer.de
After enter the eShop you'll find left side additional
- on top your Shopping Cart with the gross total tax included
all deposit products will be preserve- for a not logged in user ("guest") for 1 hour
- for a logged in user for 10 days
- above you'll find the Product-Catalogues, containing all available products grouped and sorted.
The numbers in brackets behind every product-group or sub-group give an advice of the number of available products ... if they are not "out of stock" or my deliveryman "is sleeping".
If the numbers is different for other languages, means only, that this product is not yet translated in english or french - relevant are the number of products in german language.
As soon as you open a product-group, a overview-list of all available products in this group appears in the middle area
- a click opens the details of the product.
- if this product match also for other cars, all the other catalogues with their product-groups will be swing open additional. Within these opened catalogue-groups you will find easily near-by-products.
- every time you can change the language, your "position" in the swing open catalogue or the details of a product will be preserved ... if there is a translation for this product saved.
All lists are also available as PDF for downloading and/or printing yourself - by this, every time you'll have a current catalogue.